nxcore.org website to a nasty hacker hit, I am in the process of rebuilding it and giving it a facelift and more up to date look. nxcoreorg is the server farm hosting the world wide nxdn network connections for the Icom and Kenwood networks. The last heard lists and other information along with the code will get a fresh look and once over by the nxcore developers and admins after the new year. More on this when it comes. Stay tuned here for more information.

Evans KD4EFM

Suggestions to the NXDN Community

Here is a valid suggestion submitted to the community;

One thing I would like to see addressed is the ability to send and receive messages through connected repeaters.  NXDN Messaging is a very powerful tool!  I have a Windows messaging app I will be bringing to the Hamfest this weekend that could reduce reliance on the Internet for Hams with NXDN radios.  The ability to implement it here in West Central Florida is limited to the reach of the single repeater your station can hit.  We need to be able to overcome that limitation to make NXDN messaging more universally accepted.  Think about the potential impact for SKYWARN.



here is the reply and my comments
(I would like to hear from others too!)

You bring up a good point Paul, but I have been battling this for a while now.

While I can send data like the D-RATS terminal program on NXDN via the voice stream,
The SMS data is a bit more complex. The ETSI standards for it only talk about the SU through the rptr to SU, but very little of it is in the conventional code for multi-site transport. I will see if I can reach out to the Japan and get some more input put into this, while I do know that Type C Trunking will carry it out, I also know that an IP NXDN CONSOLE can So the same thing. Though the flow chart is IP to SU by way or the repeater, I think with a work on the IP side and some data runs and captures via ICOM NXDNIP protocol, this can be achieved for 2020. We have a diverse group of people who are good with code and can come up with something to make it work.

Keep in mind, standard sms is 1024 character, while EXTENDED sms is 4096.
Truncated CONSOLE NWS messages can be entered into the network if done correctly. I will have to test that with my Kenwood Console on our UHF statewide system to my radios, but the Icom Ver 2 and nx5000 and 3000 platforms will do upto 4096 sms.
I will put that on the board for sure, because, if we can have a restricted web input to generate Certain “canned” messages to listening radios, that would be a leap ahead of all things NXDN!

IF the MMDVM and hotspot communities put their thinking caps on, I am sure this can be a very powerful, and use tool to the SAR and Skywarn communities.



Evans KD4EFM

Please send any comments you may have to info@nxcore.org, I will try my best to get them answered and posted here.

NXDN Dashboards

Here is a list of viewable dashboards for the NXDN WW Network.
Thanks to Adrian, VK4TUX for putting this together.

Talk Group Summary

Service TalkGroup Dashboard
Canada TG 302 p25canada.hopto.org/nxdn/
VK 505 TG 505
1200 TG 1200 1200.mmdvmvk.org
9000 TG 9000 nxdn.duckdns.org/9b/
Pacific TG 10400 nxdn.mmdvmvk.org
Deutsch TG 20000 srv08.oevsv.at/nxdn/
25000 TG 25000
50525 TG 50525 50525.nxref.org
65000 TG 65000



PLEASE SHARE ON FB, PI-STAR, WHATCHAMACALIT, where ever there is use of the kenwoods with DMR hotspots. Thanks.

Okay, after battles and scraps, I want to pass along the follow:

1 Please refer to nxdninfo.com for OFFICIAL NXDN happenings on the commercial
Side of the NXDN WORLD WIDE NETWORK, www.nxdnradio.com is defunct and all
attempts to raise w2bui have failed. Unknown if he is a silent key or not. No one can confirm.
Also my name is Evans, not the minion Kevin.


2 Kenwood DMR with Dual Slot Direct Mode (the latest of most DMR releases) DOES NOT WORK WITH ANY HOT-SPOTS IN SIMPLEX MODE. Do not use it until the creators find a way to incorporate it Into the software. TURN IT OFF. This reverts to the old style of single time slot use. Until further notice.


Many have been pointed to a Google Spreadsheet style location, a new site has already, taking over the role of assigning ID’s.

The site is http://radioid.net
Radio ID is the master site for obtaining DMR, NXDN ID’s for amatuer use.
P25 ID’s can also use the DMR ID format, which some people follow that ID use also.

SO, please, kindly keep it within the parameters of 1 to 65519, and even though you CAN enter your full DMR ID, please register with radioid.net and follow all instructions withing the site.

Some additional information I wanted to put out:
For MMDVM email List go to: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/mmdvm/info
For the FaceBook PiStar group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pistar/

I will add this to the Side Links area also.

Thanks and Welcome newcomers!
